Marvel wises up on digital downloads

Thanks to Star Wars and a chance to get in on the ground floor with new, female-centric super heroines (Spider-Gwen, Hellcat) I had been letting Marvel titles back into my life. The big boost was their digital offerings; the comic was $3.99 but your received a download of the book to put into your tablet. This was a win-win situation for everyone.

  1. I can re-read them on my iPad.
  2. My house won’t be cluttered with old comic books.
  3. The comic books can go to kids who like the titles!

DC is finally get their collective act together to do the same any day now.

What happened earlier this year was Marvel ditched the digital copy and changed it to digital content which was often some other title I couldn’t care less about. I did write a polite e-mail to Marvel via their Web site. Seems I wasn’t alone in being heard. Next up will be buying the titles in between to maintain continuity on the iPad.

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