Chupacabracon IV

The Austin area has its own gaming convention and I finally attended. Last year, I had a weekend-long badge but my illness kept me from really enjoying the event after an hour, so I went back home.

This was the convention’s fourth year of operation. The organizers rented out the business convention center which is part of the Round Rock Wingate. Turnout was pretty good, I’d say a few hundred people at a time were present.

Chupa’s focus was on roleplaying games so I played a couple Pathfinder Society rounds. I don’t normally participate in what’s called “organized play,” so I utilized the pre-made characters on the table. I also played in a Champions (superhero) game run by a gentleman who flew out from the east coast to represent the Champions’ publishers/writers. Sadly, the Champions game reminded me of why I hate playing with strangers and why we interview people before letting them join our stuff. There two morbidly obese dudes who thought they were funny and clever as every “joke” was followed through with a nervous laugh. We all know the kind. They’re a cross between Comic Book Guy on The Simpsons and Mac from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. In short, 350-pound versions of my college buddy Phil. I endured and had a decent time. I tried to do the truly superhero thing with my gun-slinging, cowboy hero by doing trick shots against the Nazis invading our pleasant city.

Much of this arena was built with a laser cutter

One of the highlights of GenCon is the exhibition floor. All the shopping one can do! Chupa didn’t have much but I did buy a Champions’ adventure for my fellow DM Mark B; it featured the Dr. Light of Champions, good ol’ Foxbat. Another thing I scored is a surprise for Somara and I will give it to her on our 14th anniversary of being married.

The convention left me inspired to come up with a few ideas for next year. Meanwhile, I’m pushing to help out with the scheduling. I wanted to run something, I just couldn’t get an idea of when/where. Plus, I’m hoping my sensei Lester will be well enough to be a guest in the near future. My comic-book artist friend Steve B is another must.

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