From Austin to Adelaide
8915 Miles!Seattle
Friends of Picayune
2024 Silver
Avg = 42Running to Toad River, BC
2677.5 of 2891 milesEvery 3.3 miles = 1%
603 Comments!Activity App Goals Achieved
Closed Rings Streak: 73 (cur 11)
Perfect Move Weeks: 37
Perfect Exercise Weeks: 36
Move x2: 277 (33x at 570)
Move x3: 24 (1x at 570)
Move x4: 1 (1x at 560)
Move Goals: 616
Seven-Workout Weeks: 28Losing 50 pounds
It's not all SoylentArbitrary boundary of Space
100 km
Five hundred (genuine) comments!
Picayune moving to the blog format has been a mixed bag. The upside is the immediacy for posting new stories/reviews/whatever. The downside has been not much conversation has happened. Well, if I had the old-fashioned message boards, maybe it would take … Continue reading →