Krysten Ritter

Currently Krysten is best known as Jessica Jones on Netflix (a show I need to restart) but for me she was Jesse’s ill-fated girlfriend Jane on Breaking Bad plus I remember her in Big Eyes.

Krysten was stopping through Austin to promote her new novel Bonfire which adds another accomplishment to a pretty impressive resume listing musician and owner of a production company. The book is on my long, long list of novels/non-fiction things I need to read before I’m 100.

She was a very nice and more than happy to meet us all. There was no reading but everyone who wanted a little face time with Krysten did. I thanked her for coming and said I really loved her work/character in Breaking Bad. If you haven’t seen the show, Krysten’s Jane is pivotal in keeping Jesse level to a point while unknowingly driving a wedge between Jesse and Walter’s partnership in crime.

The book is intriguing too. I have a feeling Krysten drew upon her past of growing up in a small town to create the scenario of Bonfire. Meanwhile, Jessica Jones is getting back on my high priority watchlist. I don’t have to re-watch Daredevil unless there’s something important there for The Defenders.

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