Me as a Family Guy character…not even close

To celebrate Seth MacFarlane’s American Dad beta achieving 300 episodes, Fox put together a a little Web app to make yourself a character in the style of the rarely funny Family Guy. This is the best I could do given the pieces they offer. I look like a brunette version of Judd Apatow.

Hard to believe Family Guy has made it to this milestone. Then again, after 300 generations, humanity’s latest accomplishment is singing poop.

Well, on the upside, Seth’s mediocre show and gravitas has given birth to better entertainment thanks to his help: American Dad (now on TBS), Robot ChickenCosmos with Dr. Neil deGrasse-Tyson (hard to believe Fox backed anything based in facts), letting Patrick Stewart demonstrate his funny side, his sister Rachel having a career (she’s a very good voice actress in her own right, watch Kids Next Door) and being a factor in proving that [adult swim] would be a viable network. The jury is still out on The Orville.

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