Finally back at the gym…ouch

As I’ve been getting back into the groove of Austin life, using the gym has been the immediate short-term goal but on weekdays I’m easing into it. Firstly, Daylight Savings Time has messed up my sleep hygiene so getting to work on time comes first. Fitting in the gym is being done by making sure I leave the house five minutes earlier each day. Eventually, there will be plenty of time to “close the rings” on my Watch and chip away at my exercise goals.

Today though is Saturday. Excuses don’t hold up as well.

Honestly I wanted to get up and hit the road by 7:05 AM (where I left off Friday). Someone forgot to set the alarm which led to me sleeping in until 8:40 AM. Yeah, First-World problems as “Weird Al” sings. I still pulled off my routine involving running on the treadmill, stairs (via stairmaster) and biking. The latter I quit at 7.5 miles, the distant between the gym and my house. Plus, the green ring wasn’t budging since I had it set to level one. I really wanted to cruise.

The important this is that I started. Now to continue and keep watching my progression bars on the right side of the site. Eating less is the bigger challenge.

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