Three cheers for a Maggi and her work!

My niece Rachel (technically my cousin’s daughter, but niece is easier on the brain than all that “removed” crap) received a grant from the Fulbright Organization! This will enable her to carry out her proposal in India.

Here’s the proposal Rachel explained to me…

In partnership with local mentors and via the assistance of a translator, Rachel will conduct individual, in-depth interviews of women in which she will:

  1. Determine each individual’s age, income, and level of education.
  2. Assess knowledge of breast and cervical cancer prevalence in their communities.
  3. Assess knowledge about risk factors for breast and cervical cancer including genetic, environmental, and behavioral factors
  4. Assess knowledge of early detection methods for breast and cervical cancer.
  5. Inquire as to each individual’s personal experience with breast and/or cervical cancer.

These interviews will be conducted with adult women visiting St. John’s Medical College Hospital and the Vivekananda Memorial Hospital, only utilizing the assistance of a translator if participants are not comfortable speaking in English. As the interviews are conducted, there will be a review of the data to ascertain possible correlations between breast and cervical cancer knowledge and various demographic factors.

Essentially it’s public health research addressing gaps in health education knowledge in relation to breast and cervical cancer — what do these women know of the risk factors/prevention/treatment/stigma, etc.

From this assessment Rachel can work with her mentors in her host affiliations to develop interventions to address these gaps in knowledge and hopefully increase awareness of breast/cervical cancer in these areas.

Pretty heavy stuff but I’m very, very impressed on what Rachel has accomplished thus far. Not sure if I’m allowed to be proud with her being my cousin Matthew’s daughter. I’m mainly thrilled to see another person light a candle instead of choosing to curse the darkness in these Isolationist times. Helping people around the world is what makes a people, a nation or civilization great. Actions like Rachel’s are what the Economist calls “soft power” and I think America needs to do more of this instead of using force. Preventive medical care benefits the world too.

Have a safe and prosperous journey Rachel!

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