The future of food, part three: Huel

My overdue conclusion on the trilogy of food substitutions! I had this Huel (Human Fuel) stuff so long again, I had to start over to remember what it was like.

Unlike Soylent or “Slimfast,” Huel comes in a powder that you mix with cold water (I don’t recommend it) or other stuff. It’s mostly made up of oats (40%), rice protein, pea protein, sunflower, flaxseed, coconut MCTs (translation, a combination of coconut oil and palm oil; they allegedly don’t work well solo, so they’re combined), plus a vitamin and mineral blend. A standard amount is four ounces (or 127 grams) mixed into a liquid with a 1:5 ratio respectively. It smells like cake mix.

By itself and made according to the directions on the bag, it tastes like watered-down Malt-o-Meal. The biggest problem is getting it to dissolve. As of this writing, I’m continue to run into clumps on the bottom of my cup or swallowing some while drinking.

With fruit smoothie in a bottle? The smoothie stuff overpowers whatever taste Huel has. Clumping remains a problem.

With Starbucks? Same result as the smoothie stuff. Starbucks takes over in the flavor department but clumps take effort to remove.

Somara gave me a small hand mixer she didn’t want anymore. Still couldn’t get the Huel to dissolve adequately.

My opinion of it? I like it better than Soylent but starting Sunday, my Future of Food stories will move to the next step. How does it go when I substitute Soylent or Huel for regular meals over a week.

Huel runs about $66 for two big bags of the mixture. They also throw in a shake-cup and a T-Shirt with the logo.

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