Happy Free Comic Book Day ’18

The oldest of the High Nerd Holidays is upon us right on the heels of May the Fourth (be with You). I managed to be timely with this since I’m backlogged via fatigue (induced mostly by right knee choosing to communicate to me with pain) and over this weekend, I’m up to my waist with my tribe at Chupacubracon V. Yesterday I play in a well-researched (from History) Call of Cthulhu game set in 1870s Denton County (a part of Texas north of Dallas-Fort Worth). Then an introductory game of StarFinder which I remain on the fence about. Now if my tribe‘s majority would hit the gym more because as adults, diabetes is our mortal enemy, not the dimwitted jocks (who also voted for Trump) we dodged in high school.

Meanwhile, I stood in line to score some kid-friendly comics and bought some D&D stuff to offset the costs of FCBD to my stomping ground; here’s a little secret, the stores that participate in FCBD buy the comics that are given out at a substantial discount in the hopes of new business. As you can see above, I got my picture taken with Catwoman and Wonder Woman, excellent costumes. Catwoman chuckled when I asked her where she and Batman are registered for their upcoming wedding.

Hang in there what few constant readers I do have, I will be catching up on all the cool people I met at Moontower and I have other good news to share. Oh, I did score Solo tickets on Thursday night. Gotta’ prevent those loud-mouth spoiler people.

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