An inaccurate and overdue plaque to be removed

Despite the Texas State Preservation Board voting unanimously to remove a plaque that states an outright lie about the Confederacy, I expect Neo Confederate apologists (aka Racists) will step up a misinformation campaign to keep it. Plus this is Texas, we have horrible, horrible douchebags at the top levels of government whose playbook is based upon an imaginary past which only exists in the imagination of St. Reagan. Case in point, our Attorney General (who should also be in jail for SEC violations) implied it’s up to the legislature. Ugh! There’s a body with a large segment of D- History students inclined to override the TSPB, especially Red Skull Cosplayer, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick.

I’ve read all 11 Declarations of Secession. Not only were they pretty dry and boring given the 19th Century language but they all made it clear about slavery being the primary reason for their leaving. So whenever you hear Republicans, White Trash and Ammosexuals complain about snow flake sore losers, remind them who the originals were.

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