Longest official streak ends at 52 days

I blame exhaustion caused by Daylight Savings Time for bringing my streak to an end. Better to take a sick day now before something much worse and more crippling happens.

However, I’m not bummed. I actually look forward to starting a new streak in which I may beat this and push out the record to 100+. Plus I’m still having a great year as I’m further along today than I ever was by the same date last year. At the rate I’m going, I might double the number of miles I achieve, that’s 2400 for anyone who cares.

Next week I will be going in for this more extensive physical. The staff will measure my body-fat ratio, I’m guessing it will be 50/50; how fit I am via a stair stepper thing, push-ups (HA!) and planking (another HA!); and the dreaded diabetes possibility. Oh yeah, cholesterol…but hamburgers are soooooooo good. Despite how much cardio I do, I figure I’m just a fat guy who can outrun the zombies a little longer than most survivors. Thus, when the shit goes down, the first place I’m looting is a sporting-goods store and anywhere selling katanas or swords.

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