84% Gym Attendance!

Today is Day 100 of 2019 and my “score” is 84% or in English, I have been to the gym and closed the rings on my Apple Watch 84 times out of 100. So back when I was going to grade school in the parochial system, I earned a C while this would be a solid B in public high school and university. I’ll go with the latter scoring.

On to raise my percentage to something better, something closer to an A in either system.

Oh, my weight? It’s improving but it could always be better. Not to make excuses, I’m trying to bring it down steadily and gradually, say a pound every week to 10 days. As much as I would love to drop more, faster, your body has a strong chance of taking the weight back on just as quickly. I know it did to me when I recovered from my long run of no appetite. Those 20 pounds evaporated suddenly while I rediscovered how good food tasted.

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