Red-light cameras are now banned in Texas!

As the cliché goes, a broken clock is right twice a day is definitely true with the Texas Legislature (aka, the Laboratory for Bad Ideas), Governor Shitbag (Abbott) and Lt. Governor Red Skull (Patrick). I actually agreed on one law that was signed into effect today, HB 1631 puts an end to the asinine red-light camera scam. Firstly, it doesn’t prevent speeding, accidents or people gunning through a red. More often the opposite. Secondly, my bigger opposition to them was how the majority in Texas were operated by private corporations, ergo, no transparency on their cut for “helping” local governments, especially when the owners are Aussie shitbags (RedFlex), not Americans. Did I ever get a ticket for this? No. I do believe in the right to face one’s accuser even if it’s a traffic violation. Besides, many cities and their criminal partners shortened the yellow-light grace period to raise revenue. It’s little surprise to see Chicago’s ex-mayor-turned-professional-whore Rahm Emmanuel being involved.

Meanwhile, the cameras will remain until their contracts expire but I encourage my fellow Texans to tell those jurisdictions to “blow me!” since this is a non-criminal matter and can’t really be enforced.

To quote one of the dumbest governors of Texas, and there’s many, adios mofo!

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