So what’s with the mid-month header change?

After 20 years together and 16 years of marriage, Somara has asked to call it quits. Why? A gazillion reasons why on both sides and in some ways I was too cowardly to ask for this as my birthday present when I turned 50 last year. Matters have just festered until they hit critical mass, the story of many relationships. All the crap that has taken place over 2019 eventually became too much for Somara and I for one grew tired of her general negativity toward facing the future adversities we were up against. I will continue to go forward on fixing my teeth, enjoying my new car despite having a payment, everything! Hell, I may even find a new woman to share my life with; my therapist says the odds favor men. I’m guessing women around my age get beat out by younger women when men trade up.

Am I sad? Am I heartbroken? I used to be. Now I’m relieved and happier about her getting the hell out of my life alongside her racist parents.

I can go forward with other plans I held off, namely adopting another cat to keep Isis company when Kuroneko moves out. Getting my house (literal) in order without someone undoing all my work as per her 2005 return.  I’ve even lost some weight as I’m closer to 250! Money is going to be tight yet I think I can pull it off as there will only be low expenses for me, plus contrary to some, I do know how to cook food.

I may have to go forward with a Plan B if work goes south too. Who knows? I for one have been learning not to really care.

More as it happens. Thanks for all your support and friendship.

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