One evil Koch brother dead, another to go

How the obits still brought up David Koch’s self-centered, bullshit “philanthropy” which is meaningless because his family has jeopardized the world for money, the one thing that couldn’t stop him from dying eventually. Besides, all these rich assholes donating to museums or research centers are monuments of fake humility; their names have to be plastered all over as a dog pisses on a tree to mark it. More appropriately, the Kochs are hoping we’ll forget all the people they’ve indirectly murdered (I’ve never forgotten Rockerfeller’s blood-stained hands for Ludlow, CO) and the the organizations who accepted these “gifts” should grow a spine; pull the names down, he’s dead, what can he do now? Nothing.

Tonight though, the people of Phoenix rejected David and Charles’ lies by shooting down Prop 105. An astro-turf “bill of the people” designed to do more than halt light rail expansion, it was supposed outlaw any further discussion, votes, etc. and “solve” the transportation issues by building…more roads which only invite, more traffic as per Adam Ruins Everything‘s episode on cars.

Maybe there’s hope. Maybe the Millennials can lead the charge in righting the ship of state from devolving into the Mad Max dystopia the Kochs want.

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