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Daily Archives: December 1, 2019
What’s with the December 2019 Header?
It’s December now. Shouldn’t I have a Christmas, Solstice, Festivus, whatever, theme in the Header space and not what appears to be the Eagles’ Hotel California album cover? Well, I did piece together a GIF-based header because my host and great … Continue reading
Maggi Picayune back on track now
For starters, if anyone has been following the site and ended up feeling disappointed, I apologize. Same goes for those wondering why their RSS readers continued to show nothing new. I’m going to use the new month of December and … Continue reading
Holiday shopping and cards off to a good start for 2019!
My annual tradition of a three-day weekend to get out the blasphemous cards started off well and I hit the key merchants I use to give gift certificates to local friends with children: Rogues Gallery and Pinballz! As always, there are three … Continue reading