Happy Texas Independence Day 2020!

I can never remember if state government offices are closed today. Might as well be, have a nice three-day weekend, get some errands completed!

I’m sure the morons who promote Texas seceding get some electrons to waste via the SCLM, especially when professional morons like Gov. Goodhair and Gov. Shitbag make the empty threat. The truth is, despite Texas being the only Red state which pays more than it receives in taxes to subsidize its deadbeat relatives known as the Deep South, this state wouldn’t last very long as an independent country. To be fair, neither would California. The Federal government isn’t keen on surrendering active military bases as Fort Sumter proved in Charleston in 1861. The hands-off state legislature is too stingy to finance the infrastructure we need as the population grows. Besides, with the upcoming gain in House seats, the Confederate Party (known as the GOP elsewhere) is looking forward to screwing up the government more by installing additional assholes in the Louis Gohmert, John Carter and Lamar Smith mold. My douchenozzle, Bill Flores, is retiring to become a professional K Street Whore while he can.

History is also against independence. Last time, the Republic hung on for nine years before joining the US. Otherwise, Mexico had a good chance at winning the rematch and the settlers had difficulty fighting the Comanche Nation in the northern part.

It remains a cool little holiday and piece of trivia. My old home, Illinois, doesn’t do squat about when it joined the US or somebody decided to give it the French-sounding name. We do have something better, Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, the guy who was in charge of kicking the Confederacy’s collective ass. Currently, the former Confederate states and their sympathizers need another dose of whoop ass given their Stalinesque revisions.

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