Wisconsin dodges the Fascist bullet

The Wisconsin GOP with its gang of thugs (known as their majority in the legislature and supreme court) were suprisinging defeated despite doing all they could to suppress the votes of any brown people in Milwaukee and Madison. Although the main driver outside their state would be the Democratic Primary, the election for a state supreme court seat coincides at the same time. The seat was super critical because the GOP plans to purge 200,000 “ineligible” voters from the rosters, again, another code phrase for brown people who don’t live in Fitzwalkerstan proper.

Any thinking person claiming to be a sensible Republican should be ashamed of what transpired in Wisconsin. People had to gamble with their lives during a pandemic to vote. Rescheduling was an “unreasonable” alternative. Bullshit! The GOP did it due to CV-19 outbreaks being more likely in urban areas since we humans transmit it to each other and density is a factor. The rural parts of America have fewer cases for there are fewer people, quite similar to why rural counties are also more likely to have poverty, stupidity and racism. Case in point, my time in North Dakota.

Let’s hope enough people are mobilized to prevent Wisconsin from being responsible for Orange Foolius’ reign of error to continue on another technicality. Texas remains a lost cause for another decade because President Grant didn’t completely dismantle the Neo Confederacy here.

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