My rebuttal to NeoLiberal panhandling

Yesterday I received this in the mail since the smug Sen. Foot-in-Mouth believes he is the Democratic nominee by default as reality is catching up; the sexual harassment accusation, the outing of who is advising (now show us your true colors Warren supporters!). To me this is the usual hat-in-hand request for the small-donor money Sanders was successful at getting and the usually fakery to claim he’s listening to Progressives. I know he won’t because the last two Democratic Nixons didn’t and the NeoLiberals think we have nowhere else to turn, ergo, our votes like Unions, Teachers, Minorities and Women can be taken for granted. Well, my answer above is a sound “Hell No!” and since this is on their dime, I’m mailing it back. I doubt they’ll read it. I’m confident the DLC/DNCC has a special device to detect checks and cash in the envelopes without having to open them. If “Joe” wanted to know what’s important, he would’ve been paying attention during the debates.

So don’t bother trying to blame me. Remember who the real culprits are, cowardly “moderates” and “centrists,” which don’t really exist. You can’t be “moderate” with 26 million people unemployed. You can’t be a “centrist” regarding 27 million without adequate health insurance. There will be no “third way” when the Earth is 40° C on average every fucking day.

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