Sorry about my absence

It’s a lot of work typing with one hand for legitimate reasons…rimshot! The recent injury in my left arm get worked up whenever I do anything to pop the joint or what I consider, double-jointed action, namely putting my left hand into my left pocket to get the car keys like a total idiot! Thankfully I bought some of those re-usable icepacks to go with a cooler I acquired recently. Man that feels so much better on the injured area.

To make sure my left elbow was healing properly I got an appointment with Austin Regional Clinic. Good thing too, it still smarts and then a weird bruise appeared on my forearm. A very nice nurse reviewed it, said I need to keep taking it easy and ordered me some good painkillers. Meanwhile, my blood pressure was high. I blame this on a lack of exercise and the low-level state of pain I’m in. This blood pressure jazz isn’t something which runs in my family unless they smoke so I’m not worried, I can beat this with more exercise and staying chill (the original Eighties definition, not what the Mills and Z’s have changed through Netflix).

I hope everyone out there reading my site is doing well. I really hope the second wave never happens as we’re haphazardly reopening the world.

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