SCOTUS rules in favor of expanding Title VII

I got the good news from my friend Matthew first and it’s a good thing because he’s a lawyer and could dumb it down for me.

In short, SCOTUS ruled in a 6-3 decision (all four Liberals with Justices Roberts and Gorsuch) that Title VII protections do apply to America’s LGTBQ citizens. At first, my answer is well duh! What people do in private and who they date isn’t your employer’s beeswax, including the Federal government; all people are equal risks for espionage when it comes to working for the CIA.

Why this is great news? SCOTUS has put a stake through the pro-discrimation camp’s heart for a long time or pretty close to forever since 6-3 decisions are harder to overrule or weasel through than 5-4.

Writing for the majority opinion was Gorsuch who was the surprise vote in my opinion. Chief Justice Roberts not so much, he occasionally chooses to be on the right side of History with important decisions involving our civil rights. Gorsuch was Orange Foolius’ first justice on the bench and given the right-wing wish list he fulfilled, saying you can’t fire a person for being gay must be a huge disappointment to the homophobes set on pushing America back into the 19th Century.

Let’s hope Roberts and Gorsuch are growing consciences, just not too much, they are Republicans at their core beings. My stronger desire is throwing out the Originalist mode of arguing on how to interpret the US Constitution/Bill of Rights.

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