The fact that Jennifer is a nurse is a happy side effect in our dating, I didn’t seek out someone with said profession. When I gave her a better description of my symptoms Jennifer concluded what I forgot to think of…again, sinus infection due to my phlegm color. I have a suspicion about AC systems being to blame for me. They’re within-specification flaws or there’s some particle or whatever. My point is, the air isn’t pure enough and I my sinuses get infected. I don’t smoke or vape or snort anything, so why do my sinuses get screwed up once/twice a year?
What I hate in America is the requirement to see a doctor to get the antibiotics I know are the cure. In other nations (e.g. Spain), you tell the pharmacist and boom, there you get the stuff you need. Maybe I should go to Mexico and just stock up on azithromycin every time I feel a butter knife in my brow; it’s another painful symptom.
Then on to my next crisis, tackling the high blood pressure I’ve been living with ever since the tennis incident in June. As I’ve bored you all with before, I usually hit the hyper tension stages yet never needed medication until lately; lisinopril is what they gave me. It allegedly widens your veins and arteries to get more blood pumping through. Personally, I think I’m having crappy results due to the pandemic, no gym to go to in the morning and all my stress from trying to figure out how I’m going to pay for the new roof without living on toothpaste sandwiches. Tom’s of Main costs a bit more, but it’s worth it.