I’m a Nielsen house now

Weeks ago I received a survey from them with two bucks in it. I thought of course, hey, two bucks! I’ll put that in the in the rainy-day fund but I did fill out the survey. I had to. I have a Communication degree with some hours in broadcasting, so I know how Nielsen, Birch and the others operate. In return, they mailed me five bucks for mailing back the survey. Not bad for a few minutes’ work, not to brag, I make more per hour than what they offered.

This Saturday the Nielsen people sent a congratulatory letter to inform me I’m now a Nielsen household. OK. I’m a rather odd pick. Divorced. Lives alone. White. Male. College graduate. Over 50. I’m guessing there’s an army of my demographic. Then again, I belong to unreliable group.

Some of you are saying, but Steve, you don’t have cable nor do you watch very much broadcast TV. You are absolutely correct! Nielsen has rolled with the changes, they gauge streaming and Internet usage, therefore I will be helping them learn how much America has cut the cord on overpriced, commercial-ridden cable.

One final thought, I just remembered all the mocking my generation and the Millenials do of Boomers watching reruns of procedurals (NCIS, CSI, etc.). Much like how The Simpsons  ridiculed my grandparents for worshipping Matlock 20 years earlier. I figure I’ll be fueling the stereotype of Gen X only watching reruns of The Simpsons which I’m very guilty of doing via Disney+. I have no clue nor have I met anyone who constantly watches Friends.

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