What’s wrong with this picture, July 2021 Edition

What’s really frustrating is that America is capable of doing both. We don’t need private asshole-billionaires (who don’t pay their taxes) trying to claim the Moon and Mars as private property. I won’t disagree with the criticisms from the Sixties regarding the US Space Program because there was nothing to gain bombing the crap out of Vietnam. Money put toward our domestic issues will always be cheaper than bullets. However, I grow tired of this country being incapable of long-term planning. As soon as Tricky Dick got into the White House, NASA’s plans beyond the Moon landings were scrapped. and its budget squished. Imagine how much further along we’d be if we kept moving forward? The shuttles were a step backwards. The ISS does have some useful insights on how the voyage to Mars may go, yet the American government doesn’t invest much.

I remember years ago, listening to this co-worker bitch about what a waste of money NASA was. I had to interject and remind him, NASA only gets half a penny of every tax dollar he paid in Federal Income Taxes. Compared to the Military Industrial Complex and Corporate Welfare, I demonstrated how we are getting a bargain.

Now we’re probably going to be dependent on Bezos and Musk for way too much. We can thank the Republicans and NeoLiberals when the Moon is covered in ads, ruining many a wonderful evenings. If Grampa’ Brunch had any balls, he never will, he’s in bed with them; he’d give all there private flights a bill for how much it cost to clear the sky from commercial airlines, military patrols and NORAD classifying them a nuclear strike.

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