The Right failing to do its homework as always, Dec ’21 edition

Given how much more functional Western and Central Europe are compared to Amerika’s dysfunctional ammosexual paradise and Jesusland, I think places such as Germany would send thank-you cards. They’re experiencing negative growth and they’d love to take in well-educated Americans who are unlikely to have a problem with learning the language. Especially in light of how Europeans don’t let their people go bankrupt over a medical problem, getting an advanced education or through greedy insurance companies denying claims to preserve the shareholders’ stock.

The Right would then find out how much brain drain this would since their base of gullible, violent morons aren’t capable of holding things together, accelerating the US into the Third World status they want. The base will also be pissed over the reduced number of targets they murder or blame for the loss of their jerbs. It might make the base finally realize, it was the GOP/Far Right pulling the strings all along as we told them.

What would be my pick? It’s tough due to Europe having crappy weather and too little/too much sunlight due to their position on the planet. I’m leaning toward the Netherlands but only due to my friend Jeremy living there. Germany would be pick number two. As much as I love Italy from afar, I’ve read too much about their dysfunctions and next to the UK, they’re practically Amerika Lite. We should’ve seen the warning signs when they elected Berlo-scummy to lead. He’s a disgusting combo of Rupert Murdoch and Teeny-Weeny-Peeny Mussolini. How he managed to avoid prison is disheartening given how frickin’ guilty he is. For any consideration, they need to break up the monopolies on their media.

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