Advent 2021 Beer #5

Forgive me, I just can’t drink as much as I used to in my youth plus these German cans are half a liter a piece, or over 16 ounces when a traditional US beer is 350 ml. It’s amazing how much “work,” 150 ml can be. Plus I’m trying to lose weight, about 5-10 pounds before the new year!

This beer I was pretty excited about. It was a bock! In the Austin area, a favorite draft is Shiner Bock and sometimes Zeigenbock. They’re really delicious dark beers yet they’re not heavy like Guinness. There are days I enjoy the Ireland’s pride but there days it feels as if I’m downing bitter motor oil. I feel this delivered and I may try to seek it out.

The packaging could be problematic in the Deep South. A goat and a black star together makes the holy rollers equate this with Satan. I could imagine Dana Carvey’s Church Lady character already. Well, isn’t this beer special. Who made this? Could it be…SATAN?

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