Better late than never? We’ll know in a few days

The cold snap is officially over and after some veiled threats with the contractor, the new floor is under way. You’re seeing what little they’ve achieved with 2:30 PM start. Remember, we’re talking about Austin Time. To be fair to this crew, they were champs at moving all the heavy crap out of the way and tearing into the carpet I will never miss. The living room, kitchen and both offices are cleared. Since I already had the materials, they started mixing up the goop and we all came to an agreement on how the ceramic tiles were to laid down.

Below is the how it’s coming together with my hallway to my traditional office.

I’m pretty amazed with how quickly the glue stuff under the tiles dries. The grout, final goop between the tiles, will come later. I hope we’ll make more progress tomorrow as we’ll have a full day of work. Since we had a late start, they nicely stayed until 8 PM and I bought everybody pizza and chicken nuggets from Domino’s. I can already tell I’m putting on weight from the stress eating as I tried Sonic’s version of a patty melt to get me through the lunch hour as I pondered how much of my vacation I will have remaining when this whole frickin’ ordeal is over. The cats have begun to go stir crazy with their universe being restricted to just one room. My trio still has it better than poor Jennifer’s boys who are locked in Cheyenne’s bathroom.

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