My 12 Honey Mustards in Ural will invade Ukraine

This is the scenarios I think we’d all rather see since McDonald’s and Chik-Fil-A could cut off Putin’s supply more easily than the EU. I also regret to point out a different theory on the Earth’s actual shape to those Flat Earthers. Sorry, it’s still round but it’s made of delicious, deep fried nuggets which begs me to reconsider our moon being made of cheese.

I love how the photographer laid out the nuggets to practically match the boardgame Risk. So many hours played from eighth grade (when I discovered it) to about college. By the time I graduated, I finally read the rules and to my horror, I found out contrary how I’ve played alongside the computer surrogates…there’s a maximum limit on armies in a territory, 12. You also can’t nickel and dime the invader by rolling one die regardless of how many defenders, you have to go with the maximum too. Definitely speeds up the game in some ways. I wish I remembered what to do with the ridiculous escalations from the card sets. Maybe with this chicken version, the winner eats the territory after successfully invading? Make it a more fattening game.

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