Hockey returns tonight but I have other plans (comedy club with a friend). Fear not! I’ll be going tomorrow since I never turn away a chance to see the Milwaukee Admirals (my old team when I was there). I just wanted to post a photo from the last time we all went as my Stars lost to the Tucson Roadrunners; it’s their goalie. His surname made me laugh for a while and then of course, I had to bore Jennifer and my friend Elizabeth on what amused me via what little French I still remember/retain. Daccord resembles the expression C’est d’ac or d’accord! Which is how the French say “OK!” Ergo, the Roadrunners’ goalie is just OK or fair, he’s not great, he’s not terrible. I didn’t say this was an A-lister joke yet you have to give me credit that it’s well above Dad level.
From Austin to Adelaide
8915 Miles!Seattle
Friends of Picayune
I was super confused by this for a minute – Joey Daccord actually plays for Charlotte, not Tucson. Their away jerseys are quite similar, but Tucson’s has gold on it and this one doesn’t.