One of the compromises I’ve had to work through with Jennifer involved my immense Chucks collection. Firstly, she wanted them removed from the master bedroom and a TV placed on that wall. I said absolutely not. There’s no other room in the house for them along with $2000-worth of Elfa shelving to put them on. Secondly, I don’t want a TV in the bedroom. It becomes a diversion from sleeping or more productive activities…I’m defending reading. So Jennifer bought this curtain crap to “hide” my wonders since it affects her ADHD. I can’t remember what my therapist calls this but despite my shoes being organized, Jennifer still “sees” this as chaos. It’s not chaos when you see all the neat aisles of food at Costco. Anyway, I couldn’t install this because my old man only taught me how to hold a flashlight for him. Besides, I went to school and university so I could earn enough to pay somebody else to do this for me. In comes Task Rabbit. I used it before when I was in a hurry to get a spigot replaced. I was skeptical on the curtains given how quickly Jennifer wanted it completed. Good thing I was wrong on a couple matters. Our guy Zachary C was fast and damned skilled. The biggest skepticism involved his price since I know going with the cheapest isn’t always the smartest. Thankfully his rates were low until he receives more jobs under his belt with good ratings. Glad we could help.
Now my shoes are “gone” when the curtains are closed…if you’re a dog/cat or a fan of certain philosophers. I guess I should find a way to enjoy this alteration. Make a big to-do through it. I’ve already introduced my Chucks as guests on the original Muppet Show.
Zachary C was generous enough to fix my screw up on getting the long overdue blackout curtain I’ve wanted for my personal office for 20 years. You can see all the spackling in the upper left of the photo, trying to cover up my poor skills.
Certainly looks better than the black sheet held in with thumbtacks! There was nothing really cool going on outside the window anyway. Well, Agamemnon really got into it arguing with a squirrel gnawing on my fence.