Brick Fiesta 2022 is on!

It feels pretty sweet to be amongst my fellow LEGO master builders and fans. Well, I’m exaggerating on the former, I’m in no way close to being even LEGO apprentice, especially when you see all these incredible builds brought from all over Texas. There will be a ton of photos as long as the battery on my iPhone holds out. I’m just not even half the shutterbug Somara is. Not sure if there’s a theme this year. I know the usual subgroups are present: trains, portraits and Star Wars, as with the latter, LEGO has been tied to the movies since day one! My creations were cooler and cheaper than what Kenner could crank out in the Seventies!

The YouTube channel Beyond the Brick is here again and the big guests are these two dudes who were on the Fox show LEGO Masters. Not sure if they won or whatever, not a fan of reality shows. I guess I will watch the show just to fast forward through all the crap the producers do to generate drama. Now I have to resist going over budget on all the cool accessories I find that LEGO doesn’t make directly.

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