ERCOT’s current solution from Abbott’s base

So far, our shit-bag governor putting the CEO of a truck-stop chain in charge of ERCOT isn’t really working out. As expected, the GOP-run Idiocracy has been begging people to scale back their AC usage and to not run major appliances during the peak hours: from late afternoon until early evening (weekdays). Now remember, when Democrats, Liberals or Leftists make the same recommendation…it’s a failure of the Green New Deal.

Firstly, it’s just good policy given how much Amerika remains too dependent upon fossil-fuel sources. If 100% of the energy were coming from renewables, it would be A-OK. Quick side note: nuclear fission isn’t renewable unless you count the radioactive waste because that shit lasts for centuries. Secondly, the real disaster in waiting and we can count on the the Corporate Media spinning it at an “oversight;” will be the inevitable rolling blackouts for the grid remains unaltered and NOT weatherized for the extremes, aka, the new normal for Earth.

Jennifer assures me, our house lucked out by its location. Allegedly, there’s some ESD or related operation nearby so it would have to be pretty serious if our neighborhood loses power; it has happened multiple times over the house’s 21 years of existence, thankfully nothing approaching a half day or longer as it was three days at her old apartment when the Big Freeze of 2021 happened.

I’m just hoping we make it to October (when the Austin end traditionally ends), and we won’t be resorting to what’s in the photo above as the interim solution to stay alive.

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