Two great goals today!

As you can see from the virtual little prize above, I have closed all three of my rings 26 times in a row but the Challenge was to just pull it off within 31 days so I guess you’d get five days to be too lazy to stand up 12 times/day. Trust me, that tappity tapping on my left wrist is hard to ignore.

The other big deal is achieving over 2000 miles for 2022 via the indoor bike today! This puts me closer to 7500 miles for the lifetime tracking; yeah, I only began in 2017 when the doctor said I was too fat for running if I want to keep my original knees.

Lately, I’ve been pouring it on thanks to my favorite gym being open on weekends again. Can’t wait to cancel Planet Fatness since their head manager is a douche and some people don’t understand locker-room courtesy. I can handle the borderline homeless using the showers, I just had a run-in with a guy who must’ve thought he was the creature from The Shape of Water. Anyway, I’m past the half-way point in trying to either tie or beat my record of making it in and getting a workout done 73 days in a row. Today would make this Day 39, not bad. Only 34 to go.

Next stop? A perfect July, closed rings for all 31 days and then arriving in the Central African Republic city of Bangui at 7599 miles.

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