In light of yesterday’s screed on how democracy is dying in America via its Senior Citizens, here’s some overdue levity demonstrating my crude PhotoShop skills. I made this creature for my cousin, her husband and their mutual friend as part of my reward with their Savage Worlds Kickstarter. I had such a great time playing in Karl’s Mystery Men event that I had no hesitation chipping in to help them all out on publishing a genre book about Dustbunnies! I got to give one of the characters a name (Italian for “lint”) and a handful of special abilities: he’s immune to static cling, he smells like an ocean breeze and he loves to eat only item if it comes in a pair. When the PDF versions of the rulebooks come out, I’ll let you all know and I hope Chris, Karl and Dana come to Austin for the next Chupacabracon to demonstrate the world under our couches and beds.
From Austin to Adelaide
8915 Miles!Seattle
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