Biden’s student loan forgiveness is a pitiful start

Took Grampa’ Brunch long enough to do the bare fucking minimum on this issue. And right on cue, the Republicans, Corporate Shills and their Right-Wing Noise Machine ramped up their hollow, hypocritical counter point…never mind all the PPP loans they had forgiven and the FBI still never figured out who paid off Justice Jr. Rapist’s huge credit card bills? Besides, if this were a winning tactic to prevent the ass kicking the Dems always receive in the MidTerms, they would’ve done it within Grampa’s first 100 days. Why not? Not because of Sen. Magic Underpants of Utah whining, it was more about Pelosi bitching against it and she made the same nonsense from her noise hole since she and her drunk hubby are multi-millionaire NeoLiberals.

Now there are some of you who might be on their side asking, “Hold on Steve. How can you be in favor of this? Didn’t you pay your student loans of in 2003?” I sure did. The big one was about $11K before all the interest and I tackled over 95% of it by myself. My grandmother kindly killed off the smaller $3K loan held by my alma mater held by 1993 so I could refinance the larger balance via Sallie Mae, allowing me to move to Austin more easily. I was quite fortunate compared to my peers. Given that Marquette ran about ~$11K a year in the Late Eighties and my debt load was quite small thanks to my grandparents’ foresight. However, it would’ve been great to not have the original $160/month obligation after graduation so I could have more money to…I don’t know, buy a car or have a better place to live, wasteful shit which contributes more to the overall Economy! Ergo, all these young people can now participate in home ownership (get closer) and other long-term investments to fuel the Recovery. Inflation? Schmation! Fuck Fed member Powell. It isn’t enough to mean squat and the Dems should’ve let it burn itself out as Truman did in 1947.

Back to my headline’s criticism, what Grampa’ has done is a only a “down river” solution, a term I’ve heard from The Dollop‘s Dave Anthony.  In short, forgiving a fraction or all of the student-loan debt is great yet the core problem will continue. We must go “up river” to discover and then eliminate the pollution: universities overcharging while operating practically professional-level sports franchises (the head football coach at UT is the highest paid staffer, not an instructor), bloated bureaucracies, too much spending on construction that’s not necessary and government funding being cut at all levels to help “the poors” and middle class attend. Again, I want to repeat a point I made a couple days ago, by making community college free, UT, Marquette, Harvard, AZ State, etc will shit their pants in fear knowing they can’t gouge students for Western Civilization I or entry-level Spanish.! I would apply my verbal aikido on the Republicans; I thought you said competition is good and lowers prices? Can’t wait to hear my argument being communism. Whoops, I forgot, whenever the government invests in its citizens it’s socialism but when it featherbeds a multi-billionaire who doesn’t need it, it’s job creation*.

* – Mostly shitty jobs which don’t pay a living wage.

This loan forgiveness should be the opening salvo in the Class War by the Left to push back the NeoLiberals and their litany of “now isn’t the time for this” or “this isn’t possible” or “it needs to be means tested.”

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