Work continues to disappoint

The gig I landed as a rotation didn’t pan out into a permanent position even though a requisition opened up. Rather frustrating and exhausting. Three rounds and I didn’t get it. Personally, I don’t know why there were three. From the scuttlebutt of who were the competition, nobody was eliminated by any which makes the three-round prices pointless. Why have it if the previous two don’t do crap?

Is it a total wash? Not yet and here’s what my therapist says I’m practicing my gratitude to good effect, translation, why I continue living when death’s embrace would be welcome relief given the world is going to shit at every level. There’s a good shot at another opening within a few months because one of the permanent folks got a new spot, causing the other permanent person to come back from their rotation. So, I have to hope, the opportunity will return. Meanwhile, I may get my rotation extended a while since, like job requisitions, all corporations have one thing in common, their motto…festina et expecta, hurry up and wait. Of course comes the feedback on why I didn’t get it. I dread it will be in corporatese and filled with dreadful Newspeak words such as “pro-active” and “pivot.” It could be much worse, the role I go back to isn’t entirely awful. Well, it used to be better until recently since I don’t work well with micromanagers.

I think I just need to give up the ghost, take a pay cut to join an employer who will let me use my skills and talents to their potential instead treating me using me as the janitor to do the crap work its managers feel is beneath them. Plus, they don’t have juvenile attendance policies which are really designed to fire people when they’re seriously ill or have personal emergencies. Given how Grampa’ Brunch and Jerome Powell are busy making a Recession start, preferably after the midterms, to destroy wage gains and force people to take or keep crappy jobs.

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