Am I turning into a greedy AARP member?

My free blood pressure measuring device arrived today! It’s a perk I have because I have high blood pressure and I’m using the Hello Heart app on my iPhone. Jennifer is a nurse so taking the readings are a basic skill but I wanted to spare her the pestering. Besides, it’s not something a psych nurse does on a daily, weekly nor monthly basis, there are other dedicated health-based nurses who tend to take the information down.

Back to my point…

This gizmo is pretty groovy and designed for idiots like me! It’s equal to the sit-down setup at any drug or grocery store, just compact and never a line! I was skeptical of it sending its outcomes to my iPhone via BlueTooth as so many other devices, especially headphones, don’t pair up without a struggle. The funny part was the noises it made when I did my first test in the living room. Every cat but Agamemnon was indifferent to it. Aggie on the other hand didn’t like the noises come from the part squeezing my arm (now I remember, it’s called the cuff) and began to attack the velcro section. Not sure if he was trying to take it off of me, find the source of the noise or he thought the cuff was some weird type of monster. He had little effect on the outcome on my results.

Fear not regarding my blood pressure. It’s crap but I’m not in any immediate danger, I think; the dentists were concerned about me having a stroke during my crown implanting. The readings might explain some fainting and other recent health issues while I’m pulling myself together. I’m just bummed on how little exercising has helped keep down to the parameters it should be. I have also lost some significant weight, FINALLY! The weight stuff’s credit goes to Jennifer. She dictates most days what we’re having and I often cook it. Not as impressive as it sounds. We’re living off these ready-made meals from HEB. The portions are small by American standards of eating. The upside is Jennifer’s small appetite which allows me to finish off what she doesn’t want and it gets me closer to the American portion!

Should I get my blood pressure down to normal levels, you’ll know on this site. I really want to succeed with as little chemical assistance as possible.

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