Things are looking up today, namely the temperature! Thanks to the Sun coming out, we will return to 0° C by noon, ending the cold snap temporarily. By sunset, we dip again but it’s practically over tomorrow, Christmas Day! How I am not thrilled about the upcoming gas bill, probably a new record as per my Quicken file since 1996. Thanks inflation and thanks for nothing Jerome Powell you shit bird.
Jennifer’s mom reported a dusting of snow Thursday out in West Texas. I can live without a White Christmas.
Regardless, I’m excited for tonight! For the third time, but not in a row due to COVID, I’m attending L’oca Doro‘s Feast of the Seven Fishes! I started attending in 2019, only missed it in 2020, obviously, then back on the horse last year. It’s worth every penny. Jennifer gets her big get-together with a ton of food. Not literally…I hope. I have my fancy dinner to reconnect with my Italian ancestry since I’m slacking on learning the language. Be ready for a bunch of photos. Yes, I hate people who have to “capture” every stupid meal, especially when they’re nothing special. Feast is a big deal and worthy of such attention.