COVID-19 is over and its aftermath

Finally tested negative by mid-week but then COVID-19 appeared to leave me a gift, as it seems to do to people over 40 or is it 50? I had been experiencing chest pains on my left side near the end. Initially I’m think, feels similar to a pulled muscle, but then how? Coughing? No, abdominal would be the winner there. Why not the right side too? Great, heart issues. So yet another EKG which I wish could be done when I’m really in pain followed by X-rays (got those results this morning). Everything has come back to the pulled-muscle hypothesis despite some of the pain being new to me, as if some object is pressing really hard down on the area. I’ll take it and live with it because the doctor’s guess was an infection in my left lung.

Do I have any other lingering side effects or symptoms of COVID-19? One I really…no, two, I can’t stand. The upside is they’re not contagious.

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