Republicans demonstrating their lack of shame March 2023

I love the GOP’s chutzpah on how they want to make sure any areas where they won’t win are disenfranchised. This bullshit move is their latest since we know what they’re really thinking…college students won’t vote for us because educated non-Republicans and non-Whites are our enemies, they see through our horse crap! It all dates back to St. Reagan attacking higher education since those uppity non-Whites decided not to swallow the false narrative Ron Meatball is repackaging.

Should the Fascists/Republicans succeed, then their next move will be students being told it’s mandatory they return to where they live to vote…or repealing the 17th Amendment as the people keep electing the “wrong” senators in Georgia and Arizona.

Meanwhile, if they really cared about safety, they’d require proof of insurance on gun ownership. Being shot (and murdered) by complete strangers or disgruntled somebodies are the number one killer of the young in Amerika.

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