Mama Rhea outwits us humans

Stupid me for giving mama cat “me time” to wander the house and be herself between the two-hour intervals of feeding the kittens. While Jennifer was napping and I was doing paperwork (bills, writing), Rhea used her opportunity to hide Romulus and Remus. I’m guessing her first gripe was us humans handling them, getting them acclimated to being around people. The other might be to keep the other cats from attacking the kittens while they’re helpless. Rhea doesn’t know our clowder very well, they’re either all hissing with no bite or they’re just curious cowards.

Wish us well in our hunt! We need to find them before they decide to use it as a litter box.

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One Response to Mama Rhea outwits us humans

  1. Nelson says:

    Hope you find them quickly!!!

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