Kittens have been found, Mama Rhea is not pleased

Jennifer stumbled upon Remus and Romulus by accident this afternoon by opening one of her drawers on her side of the bed. The very cunning, but not completely brilliant Rhea carried the kittens to our headboard/bookshelf where this an opening to get under the bed and between the drawers. She then placed them in a drawer from the back, not knowing we hoo-mans can pull these things out from the exterior. Jennifer snapped this picture of Rhea being rather pissed over her hiding spot’s exposure.

Everybody is back to the playpen and Rhea will be more closely monitored. Romulus’ eyes are fully open. Remus is getting there. I know in time, Rhea will thanks us for all our help. I just hope she will feel the same once Aggie starts to groom them too, it’s a sign he likes another cat (he does this to Isis).

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