Yesterday was a Bizarro Bizarro dream come true

Can’t believe my personal wishes went two for two. Honestly, I figured Chicagoans would panic and vote for the “law and order” douchebag after what a horrible mayor Lightfoot was. Wisconsin wasn’t a complete surprise since enough residents are finally realizing what a disaster the FitzWalkerStan years have been.

The tools at MSNBC and limo liberals shouldn’t be popping the champagne corks just yet. When center-left politicians (yes, judges are politicians), land the job, it doesn’t mean rainbows and unicorn crap until the next cycle. Even the overrated, “saintly” RBG screwed the public as she often sided with corporations in numerous decisions. Lightfoot allegedly had the backing of progressives too. I think her 180 was going to happen regardless of COVID. Never trust a former prosecutor unless they have a good track record putting dirty cops in prison where they belong.

To my Republican friends, I do not consider this revenge nor do I want these people to carry retaliation. I want these two officials to restore fairness: WI’s congressional districts are complete bullshit in how the population is laid out, the majority of Wisconsinites also want to keep abortion legal and Chicagoans need someone who will get their government to work for them, not to line the pockets of shit birds Emmanual and Daley, both of which should be in prison cells next to Bernie Madoff.

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