More instances of no good guys in sight

It’s a good thing the Republicans keep introducing laws to make it even easier for nut jobs, ammosexuals, disgruntled exes and white supremacists to buy guns. Seems that their plan for vigilantes to counter what’s happening is falling short. To all my friends who own guns out of their paranoid sense of self defense, reconsider how your viewpoint is contributing to a problem that is exclusive to the United States and pretty rare with the other countries classified as the West.

Oh, I have a counter to the crap brought up about suicides too. Even if you removed those sad, tragic deaths, the US still has a huge lead over the other nations. Besides, I would like to ask the ammosexuals…so you continue to push for the proliferation of guns despite how many self-inflected deaths they cause? Ergo, you’re pro-suicide? Can’t wait to see their thick heads explode.

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