Austin loses yet another beloved artist to the GOP Fascists

Since we know the Republicans have been out of any good ideas after the Roosevelts, they continue to be the Hate Party by picking on transgender people, namely children. Thanks to Gov. Abbott, who is also in a wheelchair but never lets that prevent him from being a hateful, mean-spirited piece of shit, Owen Egerton chose to move to Boston or else he may face prison. Besides being a frequent participant in Master Pancake Theater with John Erler, the author of several books, the maker of a couple films and a script doctor in LA, he is also the father of a transgender teenager. If you live outside of Texas, you probably don’t know that the Republican majority passed a law making the parents felons if they allow or provide the treatment for their child (or children). The same goes for doctors, nurses and any other medical workers involved. The child must stay their biological gender at birth until they turn 18.

I’m glad Owen landed a great gig in the Boston area, a professorship at Emerson yet their gain is a deep loss for us. Good luck with your new endeavors Owen! Austin loves you and will miss you all. The next concern will be how aggressive these Redneck Fascists become should Owen attempts to visit. There are worries they’ll arrest people from outside Texas if they have transgender kids. Hitler, Franco and Mussolini are proud of Abbott, Patrick and their thugs. Blaming a little group of helpless citizens who didn’t do anything wrong to whip the Republican base into a frenzy while covering up their incompetence, greed and the very, very fucking guilty AG Ken Paxton.

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