Painfully true August ’23 edition

As the kids used to say before Dubious Bush invaded Iraq, costing us trillions in blood and treasure, “You better check yourself before you wreck yourself!” The Right never learns as this mocks their lack of self-awareness when they point out the obvious of the Soviet way. However, this picture easily applies to Red China today despite that they’ve had the fastest economic development (about 30 years) known; clobbering Kapitalism’s Invisible Hand guiding the US and Western Europe for what? Over a century to get where we are? Faster than what America had in the 20th Century since it was seriously behind the eight ball in infrastructure before WWII.

I’m also re-reading Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto for the first time since…probably college. Not to make me a “better” Marxist. I was inspired by an article from Jacobin. They rightfully mocked shit birds like Musk criticizing something they’ve never actually read. The now defunct podcast Writ Large had a good discussion over it too. Despite the Right and Center’s common misperception, Marx is mostly explaining what went down in 1848.

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