Cars have “extra money” sensors!

The remainder of my RSU money pulled through this morning allowing me to buy a new portable! Oh this MacBook Air 2020 that took over as my primary for posting to Picayune and running my finances has been great, especially after I scored it back in 2020. But now that I’ve been getting more and more into Final Cut Pro via my employer’s M1, I bought a customized M2 MacBook Pro 14″. I don’t really think depending on the cloud is the default way to go, gimme a big ass hard drive! You’ll see why later since Kathy and I just knocked out some principal shooting for my new joke project.

Then my car decided to get all jealous after lunch and flattened a tire. I had a feeling it was this because when I turned off the engine, the car felt and looked lopsided! What pissed me off the most, it was a good tire according to my recent maintenance visit. Dammit. Now Harley is stuck in the parking garage at work until I figure out how to resolve this and I know it won’t be cheap. But Steve, you’re asking, what about your spare? Priuses lack them as all the space in the back is taken up by its batteries. Yes, I need to find a tire dealership or mechanic who will come out with a new tire (Spare in a Can was a bust) and change it…on Halloween, shouldn’t be too hard of a request.

On the upside. I’m glad I have the dough to spare and I’m frequently reminded by friends from Latin America about how hard we Westerners have it. A flat tire? Oh, don’t mind the cholera outbreak in our village.

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