Reason why Biden will lose #1

Currently, Blue MAGA is in its traditional panic as it was in 2019, screaming down the Left to stop supporting anyone but the old fart who will soon be eighty fucking one. I remember  when how worried people were when St. Reagan was re-elected at 73.

Their worries are primarily bullshit right now. So much can happen between now and the election. I don’t think it’s necessarily the general public who has the short memory, it’s the Political class, namely the bloviating dickheads on media Boomers cling to and podcasts. I do remember quite well numerous elections that didn’t pan out as predicted.

  • Early 2016: Bilary was a lock once JEB was eliminated. No way the people will elect a bozo who lives on credit and says racist things publicly.
  • 2007: Bilary is a lock for the nomination. The rest of the field is mostly nobodies and inexperienced wannabes.
  • 1999: There’s no way this moronic dumbass Bush the Lesser will be elected. He is so incredibly stupid! Slick Willie has left the boring Gore a great economy!
  • 1991: Bush the Elder is a lock after the Gulf Distraction made him so popular! The Democrats aren’t even going to try next year!
  • 1975: It’s Teddy’s year! We’re going to have a Kennedy again!

Now what happened? Riiiiiight. None of those things. I skipped a few cycles because 1984 was a waste of time bothering and other times, there was an incumbent up against a loser who was the runner up in an earlier cycle. Oh they may have scored points in the debates yet I know in two instances racism decided the winner: Dumb Amerikans hated the idea we’d have our first POTUS since FDR that was fluent in a language other than English, plus he was Greek! The other time it went the right way, Mr. Magic Underpants got caught saying the GOP line on tape, “I will find a way to lay off 47% of America!”

Again, let’s remember. All the discussion about a second term for either shitty grandpa is just to sell advertising. American media isn’t interested disseminating information for it doesn’t make any real money. They need ginned up conflict. They need chicken-little shit to get your eyeballs on their terrible hot takes on shit they have no clue about, aka Nathan Silver who got lucky in 2012. They, especially Faux News, need your blood pressure to hit the roof so Big Pharma can sell you pills. We need to follow the advice sung by Paul Anka despite his right-wing politics from Treehouse of Horror, Just Don’t Look, or Listen. The Corporate Media will hopefully wither and die or better, focus on shit which really matters, our horrible, horrible, incompetent domestic governments from local to Federal.

So why the gloomy cartoon? Oh, I think Biden is going to lose anyway since he’s a clueless old fuck. I’ve hated him since 1988 when he was outed as the serial liar he’s always been. I also have never forgotten how he gave Uncle Thomas a pass to the Supreme Court. Plus he never has stopped lying about how his first wife died in the car accident…she was actually at fault, not the SOBER truck driver. Of course, all you Grampa’ Brunch stormtroopers are yelling, “So you want Trump‽” For a bunch who rant on over how hard you support non-binary people, you remain binary in your voting. I never want a Republican. However, how can I support the Democrats given their Neo-Liberal (really Republican Lite) positions? What we need is a multi-party system as many other true democracies have along with no more “first past the post” elections (translation: the winner must land 51% or more of the votes, not the most so there are runoffs) and no more fucking primaries. Will this cure us? Not completely. It’s a start.

Meanwhile, Grampa’ Brunch will lose and the illustration above states it clearly, he’s tone deaf to all the economic hardships Mills and Zoomers are facing because he thinks these voters have nowhere else to go as he kisses the asses of “undecideds.” Nope. They will just stay home or vote for the Third Parties. I predict this though. Count on the Bilary thugs to blame and bitch about Bernie, Jill Stein, Susan Sarandon and Colonel West through 2028.

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