Vouchers defeated again so another “special” session

Once again, Gov. Shitbag has been told “no” regarding school vouchers thanks to the GOP members from rural areas. Why? Unlike other, small, more densely populated states, West Texas is very spread out in distance and people. The public schools are a cornerstone in their communities; employment, social gatherings and more importantly, to practice the state religion…football, even if it’s the six-on-six version. Some regions are already facing consolidations as people leave for greener pastures, there’s only so much of brown you can live with. They’re also impossible and impractical there. Who the hell is going to open up a private school in the boonies to educate a dozen kids for a measly $10 grand a head? Right.  In the end, the Christo-Fascist Duo behind this dismantling of public education to create more gullible little stormtroopers, destroy the teaching unions and openly practice their racism, don’t care. They have our hateful, cynical governor by the balls.

So like Veruca Salt, Gov. Shitbag is throwing a tantrum, calling the useless legislature back in to force his way when he should realize it’s pointless. He and his flunkies will do all they can to bribe the rural vote, namely holding other education funding hostage. Too late dick! Numerous teachers have already quit and/or moved away to states where intelligence and critical thinking aren’t a liability.

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