A day off that was still exhausting! Xmas cards will be late!

Lately, my team has us taking turns with weekend shifts so in exchange, I get a weekday to tackle the crap I couldn’t realistically do on Saturday or Sunday, but why do I think I can take it easy. Oh yeah, I used a chunk of time to see The Marvels, more on it another day.

Either way, I’m drained, writing this with my energy reserves in anticipation of tomorrow being Thanksgiving and I don’t have to be at work until 11 AM. Woo hoo! Overtime. Oddly, the exhaustion came from getting our annual Christmas card done. You’d think booking on a week night would be an easy, smooth experience. I’m off today, the movie is over by early afternoon, plenty of time to get ready. Jennifer is done with work at 3 PM. No way in Hell! The poor photographer was on his one, running late and got later thanks to a family before us with little frickin’ idea what they wanted. The one after us was equally pissed and equally unrealistic on what they were going to do.

Good thing we had our collective shit together. Plus, the guy remembered us. He suggested a shot that was even better than what I had in mind. I was grateful he let me tinker with the computer to lay out the card so he could breathe for a couple minutes, finish up or get prepared.

So the cards will be late, sorry. I do promise, they will be bitchin’! It wouldn’t be me if they weren’t at least semi-funny and/or amusing!

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